One of the quickest growing sports today is that of bodybuilding. Although it is an ancient sport dating back to the ancient Greeks, bodybuilding seems to have taken on a new dose of popularity. Everywhere you go you can find evidence of this. Health food stores, gyms, magazines.

There are as many different reasons for getting involved as there are bodybuilders. Some would like compete on the professional level. Some would to simply lose a few pounds and bulk up. Others would like to attract members of the opposite sex, or simply enjoy the massive boost in self esteem that inevitably follows bodybuilding habit.

No matter what your motivations are, they are worthy. Here you'll learn a couple simple ideas that can help you to achieve the success that you deserve. Once you have a plan, the rest is easy.

First and foremost, you'll need to create a specific, measurable goal. This means something that you can see, measure and record. Strength, how much you can press, size, or percentage of body fat are all examples of things you can measure. Pick a time three or six months in the future and choose a specific goal to achieve by that time.

Now you've got your target, you'll need to set up the path you'll take to get there. Choose how much time it will take on a daily basis. Decide on what kind of foods you'll need to eat, and not eat. And perhaps most important, make sure you budget enough time for rest and recovery, for that is when the muscles are actually building. Of course, bodybuilding is a serious commitment, so be prepared to do away with things that don't support your goal.

Once you've got your target set, and you've developed a strategy on how to get there, your success will virtually be inevitable. All you need to do now is get started.

By Charles Ishihashi